Hydrogen as a fuel-how real an option is it?

Well….Hydrogen fuel cell technology only has an output at the point of use of electricity and water!. How good is that?

And if you want to mix 20% hydrogen with your natural gas fuel stream to cut carbon emissions in your combustion process then it is possible.

Hydrogen/gas mixtures could be transported, stored. and converted into electricity where required.

We would argue that Power to Gas (P2G) technology is the prepared approached as it supports the volatility of current renewable energy sources.

Wind does not always blow and the sun does not always shine!

We can also combine CO2 with hydrogen to produce a synthetic and renewable natural gas using a process known as methanation.

Core benefits:

  • High efficiencies ~60%+overall
  • Low maintenance of the system
  • Links very well with renewable energy sources such as wind turbines
  • Fuel cells use hydrogen and oxygen from air to generate electricity with only the only by products of heat and water
  • Hydrogen CHP units can reach 80% efficiency using Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC)
  • Can be a form of carbon sequestration

The hydrogen economy is coming and coming fast!

Fancy a chat about it?

Building overheating in the summer?

If your building internal temperature reaches over 28 Degree Centigrade for over 1% of the time-then technically it is overheating. Health and wellbeing of staff is vital in your business to maximum the core potential of the business and have happy, hard working, dedicated staff.

How much do you really consider such aspects? Is it keeping you awake at night as you know spring and summer are coming and the need for additional portable air condition units looms.  We know this is real with ever  every increasing summer temperatures we are experiencing in the UK. Extremes?…No doubt about that.

We know you have options but please consider alternatives approaches where we offer you clear engineering led options and demonstrate the benefits of each and collectively as a whole. How?

Well we use Dynamic Simulation Modelling Software known as Vabi Elements. Why Vabi?

Well it models such engineering changes in real time-there and then with minimum waiting time. This speeds up your decision making process enormously.

It is really effective and informative. If you are not convinced then great-there lies an opportunity for us!!! Let us convince you. Talk to us…please!


Net Zero Carbon-as a minimum?

Net zero carbon-there is lot of noise around on this subject. But I think most of us would agree that there is no choice. We must do something different now and not later. A temperature increase of 1 degree centigrade is making a HUGE difference to the planet-floods, fires, extreme weather patterns, land mass changes and forever changing sea levels.

All resulting in pressure on society, organisations, groups, and individuals to act and to do things differently.

But what if there is too much noise around on this and things are blurred. You are unable to see the wood for the trees.

It is a realism….we talk to businesses every day on this noise. If you agree…please let’s talk. If you disagree…please also let’s talk.

We may both benefit from the chat.